Saturday, January 13, 2007 worth a watch

Sunil Nair walks into EMDI, an institute I’m involved with, to teach students of the Public Relations batch.
He’s been there and done that – and now he, along with some like minded professionals, has launched, a 24 hour online TV channel which he tells me about. I log on, and decide to tell you about it.
The business model? They run commercials on the content -- which they own.


Anonymous said... is a bogus website. They have very boring content......the content is so cheaply made that that you dont even feel like watching it
plus if you use it on your blog then you are supposed tobe paid for it~~~but guess what "NO PAYMENTS"....also the widget loads so slowly it takes so much of time to view that
content....i hope all the bloggers are listenting~~~~DO NOT USE NAUTANKI.TV~~~its a stupid website~~~...i think widgetbucks is 100 times better that than nautanki

Anonymous said...


are you serious??? thats jus pathetic~~~i think i will stick to my adsense~~thats the best~`

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The business model? They run commercials on the content -- which they own.
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